Sleepless nights, and business owners
What keeps the business owner up at night?
I am talking about owners of the micro, small, and in some cases medium sized business; those owners who on a daily basis put their heart and soul into building their business and doing all they can to keep it running successfully; making profit; keeping customers happy; employing people etc.
The farthest thing from their minds will be information and cyber security.
It could even be suggested that the mere mention of the subject is likely to result in a furrowed brow followed by, this is what I pay the IT Service Provider to look after.
It is not surprising then that the evangelist, having worked in the information and cyber security space for many years, comes across disinterest; disregard; and perhaps just a bit of indifference when the subject is raised.
That is not meant to insult the business owners, it’s simply a fact of the evangelist's life.
For 20 years and more so many thoughts around how to change mind-sets have come; gone; and come back again without too much forward movement.
For the evangelist this is simply a case of, ‘I don’t understand why you don’t understand’.
It is abundantly clear then that addressing the ‘lack of understanding’ has got to be a priority; but then it always has been.
Perhaps it is the language (and acronyms) of information and cyber security that is one of the challenges. Admittedly a whole new level of strangeness. When added to the IT Service provider speak, then perhaps talk of and for example, information security management systems (ISMS), will be a step too far.
If the business owner is already paying an IT Service provider, and listening to IT speak, why pay for additional services, and cope with the strangeness that is information and cyber security? Besides, if the talk is about ‘cyber’, then surely that is IT; isn’t it?
The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) provides a considerable amount of excellent advice; but they can only do so much. The advice given will not necessarily be in-line with your specific business context. The local IT Service Provider will of course be of value. However, it is not simply a case of a new firewall or AV or a UTM box; there is much more to the challenge.
The information and cyber security professional will provide their knowledge and experience; use NCSC (and other) guidance; work with IT Service Provider; but place it all into an information and cyber security context that meets your specific business need.
All that is required is you, the micro, small or medium sized business owner. We can show you the watering hole; show you how and when to drink; the types of water to be cautious of; and other hazards found at the watering hole.
Getting down to completing the task of drinking is up to you. If you don’t drink what is likely to happen to you and your business?
It might just keep you up at night.
KanSecurity (NL)